
The Mennonite Preacher Anslo and his Wife
The Flight Into Egypt
The Alchemist
Cartouche Framed by Apollo and Pan
Dutch Ships Ramming Spanish Galleys off the English Coast, 3 October 1602
Pierre Maugis, seigneur des Granges
Esau selling his Birthright
Portret van Frederik Hendrik, prins van Oranje-Nassau
Angels in Flight and Drapery Studies
The Potbellied Man with the Tall Hat
Afkondiging van de Vrede van Munster te Antwerpen, 1648
Portret van koning Ferdinand I van Portugal
Feast Before the Altar of the God Terminus
Sibylle Samienne
Les Deux Couronnes
Zelfportret van Moses ter Borch, glimlachend
Portret van H. Nicolaas Poppel
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