
The beheading of John the Baptist
Some Pleasing Landscapes and Ruins of Ancient Monuments: Brederode Castle
Chancelier Michel IV Le Tellier
The Lute Player
The Martyrdom of Saint Andrew
Zittende en staande jongen
A Girl Peeling Apples
Adam and Eve before the Tree of Knowledge
Grimbeert de das waarschuwt  Reinaert de vos
Portrait of a Man (Self-Portrait?)
The Love Letter
Portret van Adriaan van den Spiegel
Twee koeien op rivieroever
Plate 11: Phaeton before Apollo (Funestas ad Phoebum fundit preces.), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Landscape with Four Peasants Conversing
Renard Lies that he Gave the Ram Various Precious Objects that Were Meant for the Lion and Lioness  from Hendrick van Alcmar's Renard The Fox
Medea, or the Marriage of Jason and Creusa
Struisvogels, kasuaris en lepelaar
Bernard, Duc d'Epernon
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