
Cavalier, avec sa dame en croupe
God separating the light from the darkness
Entry of Monseigneur Henry de Lorraine, Marquis de Moy, under the Name of Pirandre
Berlin, Schloss Charlottenburg, Altes Schloss, Treppenhaus, Deckengemälde „Apoll und die Musen“
Young Satyr at the Bank of a Stream
Plate 114: Achilles Battling Cygnus (Cygnus ab Achille interficitur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Title Page
Augustus directing the Circus games
St. John the Evangelist
Hans van Aachen
The Holy Family
Gehucht met wandelaar en hond
Portret van Deodat van der Mont
Henri-Louis Habert de Montmor
Muffs and Articles of Clothing on a Table
The flute player ('Het Uilenspiegeltje')
The Death of Adonis
St. Jerome Hearing the Trumpet of the Last Judgment
Hugues de Lionne
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