
The Adoration of the Shepherds
Hercules and Cacus
Man met een baret
Christ before Pilate from the Passion of Christ
Saint Bartholomew
Dying Adonis
Jupiter and Io
Man with a Plumed Cap (formerly called “Portrait of the Austrian Count Otto Heinrich von Schwarzenberg”)
Thisbe Frightened by the Lion
Christ before Pilate
Saint Matthias
Apollo Entrusting Chiron with the Education of Asclepius
The Dispute between Jupiter and Juno over Which of the Two Sexes Finds Greatest Pleasure
Christ Carrying the Cross
Christ Crowned with Thorns
Salmacis and Hermaphroditus
Pietà (The Sorrowing Virgin with the Dead Christ in Her Lap)
A Foxglove in Bloom
Jupiter Taking Counsel from the Gods about the Destruction of the Universe
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