
Zittende visser
Saint John the Baptist (17th Century)
La Joye de la France
The Siege of Breda [plate 1 of 6]
Landscape with a shepherd and a dog
Fontana delle Api
L'Attaque de la diligence (Attacking a Diligence)
Claude de Marolles
Beleg van Schenckenschans (eerste tekstblad), 1635
Vlucht naar Egypte
West Cowes Castle on the Isle of Wight
Mulier Argentinensis
Kaïn doodt Abel
Sater besluipt een slapende nimf
The blindness of Tobit: the larger plate
At the Patient
Jean Duvergier de Hauranne, abbe de Saint-Cyran
Christ Seated Disputing with the Doctors
Wooded Landscape with Cottages
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