
River Landscape
Defeat of the Ethiopians
Tapissierie représentant le Bain des Nymphes
Curly-Headed Man with a Wry Mouth
Doodgeschoten hert
Plate 3: Claudius Civilis Arrested and his Brother Paulus Beheaded, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians (Romanorvm et Batavorvm societas)
The Beggars: One-Eyed Woman
Franse edelman, zijn degen trekkend, gekleed volgens de mode van ca. 1630
Asinga Ascon, vierde prins der Friezen
Le Bossu a La Canne (The Hunchback with a Cane), from Varie Figure Gobbi, suite appelée aussi Les Bossus, Les Pygmées, Les Nains Grotesques (Various Hunchbacked Figures, The Hunchbacks, The Pygmes, The Grotesque Dwarfs)
Odysseus doodt met zijn boog een van de vrijers
Twee dansers, beiden op de linkerzijde gezien
Noble Man with Folded Hands
View of Delft after the Explosion of the Gunpowder Arsenal on October 12, 1654
Reynard the Fox:  Reynard Tricks the Wolf
Dansende, haveloos geklede man
Plate 19: a Polish nobleman in court dress, standing in center, seen from behind, another nobleman to right in background, from 'Diversi capricci'
Gevel van een boerderij
Self-Portrait before a Painting of "Amor Fedele"
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