
Rest on the Flight
Brazilian Landscape with a Worker's House
Nude Seated on a Bench with a Pillow (Woman Bathing Her Feet at a Brook)
Frontispiece for Les Oeuvres de Scarron
Peasant with Hands Behind his Back
Landscape with a View toward Haarlem (The Goldweigher's Field)
Delilah preparing to cut Samson's hair with scissors in her right hand, below her chest are the head and shoulders of the sleeping Samson
Veronica with Christ Bearing the Cross (18th Century)
Shepherdess on a Donkey
Death of Lucretia
Dordrecht na de Sint Elisabethsvloed, 1421
Narcissus Looking in the Water
Pastoral Landscape with Piping Figures
The Condemnation to Death
Hoofd van een man met een tulband
Dragonflies and a bumble bee
Four Parts of the Via Dolorosa
Large Rock Projecting from a River
Zittende boer met kruik en pijp
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