
Titelprent voor een serie met verschillende insecten
Nude Seated on a Bench with a Pillow (Woman Bathing Her Feet at a Brook)
Old Man with a Flowing Beard, the Left Shoulder Unshaded
Death nature with shooting gear and flowers I
Portrait of Stadholder-King William III (1650- 1702)
Gilles Blondeau
Buste van een lachende boerin
Peasant with Sack
The Holy Family
The Prophet Elisha and the Shunammite Woman
The Shepherd Seated on a Fountain and the Spinner
Louis le debonnaire... Charles le Simple, from 'Game of the Kings of France' (Jeu des Rois de France)
A Castle and its Proprietors
Second Intermezzo
Fireworks on the Arno
Wild varken
Sts. Pamphilius and Porphyrius; St. Blandina and Companions; St. Erasmus; St. Optatus
Part of the Entrance of the Polish Legation (I and K)
Louis Hector, duc de Villars
Virginia da Vezzo, Wife of Simon Vouet
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