
The Duke of Alba Receiving the Pope's Blessing in the Cathedral of Sainte-Gudule, Brussels
Design for a Monument
A Mother with Her Child in Her Arms Flying upon the Ramparts of a City in Flames
Head of Cicero, in profile, from an antique bust
The Porta Maggiore (Veduta del Monumento eretto dall'Imperador Tito Vespasiano per aver ristaurati gl'Aquedotti . .)
Venus Italica
The Well-Loved Mother
Studies of Seated and Reclining Figures
Ruth Gleaning
Diana and her nymphs bathing
Studies of a Classical Bust
Country Scene: Figures by a Cottage Door and Cattle in a Stream
Napoleon Bonaparte at the Battle of Lodi (May 10, 1796)
Sheet of Studies [recto and verso]
Monsignor Giuseppe Spina (1756–1828)
View of the Ponte and Castel S. Angelo
The Arch of Titus
"The three graces"
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