
Head of a Man
Eve Disconsolate
Portrait of Friedrich Christian, Prince of Saxony
Les Courses du Matin, ou la Porte d'un Riche
The Graces dancing with a cupid
Viscountess Bulkeley as Hebe
La premiere lecon d'amour
James Grant of Grant, John Mytton, the Hon. Thomas Robinson, and Thomas Wynne
Odalisque with a Slave
Landing of the Real Princess Leopoldina
Quiz, After His Last Race at Newmarket
Study of Jove and Three Goddesses
Portrait of Napoléon from David’s “Coronation of the Emperor and the Empress”
Priestess carrying an enveloped offering
Agnieszka Truskolaska, portrait
Portrait of a Gentleman
Jean Grant (née Duff), Lady Grant
The Pietà (Christ’s Lament)
The Pantheon Seen from the Piazza
Aquatic plants
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