
Portret van Pietro Aretino
Design for Dagger Sheath
Philipp Herbert, Earl of Pembroke
Portret van Johannes Henricus van Craenhals
Jesus before Pilate
Portret van Bonaventura Peeters de Oude
Infant Hercules asleep
Zwaan, kip met kuikens en andere vogels
Whitehall te Londen, gezien vanaf de Theems
Portret van Caspar van Kinschot
Bust of a manwith hooked nose, prominent upper lip, open mouth and thick, short curly hair resembling wig in profile to left
Skull in profile to right
Libelle, lieveheersbeestjes en vlinders
Jesus confronting his detractors
Liggend hert, naar links
Portret van Anne Dacres, gravin van Arundel
Landschap met gezicht op Koblenz en Ehrenbreitstein
The Several Habits of English Women, from the Nobility to the Country Women as they are in these times:  The Woman with a Mannish Hat and Dark Muff
St Mary-at-Lambeth and London by Wenceslaus Hollar
The Seasons:  Spring
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