
Juno Complaining to Oceanus and Tethys about Callisto
Christ before Caiaphas from the Passion of Christ
Gerrit de Jong
Burial of Christ
The Cult of Ceres
Levamen Onostrorum, from Allegories of the Christian Faith, from Christian and Profane Allegories
Farnese Hercules
Jacques de la Faille
Cadmus zaait de tanden van de draak
Cadmus Sows the Dragon's Teeth Which Turn into Armed Men
Staande Juno
Mercury Entering Herse's Room after Changing Agraulos to Stone
Josephus Justus Scaliger
Portrait of the Haarlem Shell Collector Jan Govertsen van der Aer
Paulus de Kluizenaar (Elia?) gevoed door raven
Lot and his Daughters
Portrait of a Man
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