
Christ crucified between the two thieves, the three maries at the foot of the cross
Apollo Killing Marsyas
Hercules and the Serpent Ladon: Hercules draws his bow, the rearing serpent appears in profile, from the series 'The Labors of Hercules'
Plate 71: Procris Killed by Cephalus's Javelin (Procridem inscius interficit Cephalus), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 64: Medea Restoring Aeson's Youth (Aesoni decrepito iuventam restituit Medea), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Ruy Velazquez Orders the Death of Nuño Salido, Gonzalez Gomez Comes to His Aid and Kills the Knight Gonzalo Sanchez
The Dutch Become Afraid and Begin Peace Talks
Plate 66: Cycnus and Hyrie (Cygnus in olorem Hiere in stagnum vertuntur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Mudarra Challenges Ruy Velazquez; a Three-Day Truce is Arranged
Plate 145: Hersilia Taken to the Heavens (Hersilia Romuli coniunx in Oram deam a Iunone constituitur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Hercules and the Mares of Diomedes: Hercules grasps the bridle of a rearing horse, a second horse tramples a figure in at right, from the series 'The Labors of Hercules'
The Crucifixion
The Burning of the Old Fortress
Plate 35: The Batavians Become Afraid and Begin Peace Talks, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians
Plate 7: Triumphal Procession after Victory over Turks, from the Triumphs of Charles V
Equestrian Statue of Henry II, King of France, in the Palazzo Rucellai by Daniele de Volterra
The Age of Gold
Scylla Watching Minos from the Castle Walls
Plate 137: Canens Searching for Pics (Uxor Pici nomine Canens in auram mutatur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
God Creating Plants and Trees
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