
Judge Van Aernum in his Sleigh
Seated woman and child
A Choral Band
Chimneypiece: Affronted griffons on the lintel and candelabra on the jambs (Ch. accompagnée de son plan et décorée d'une frise de griffons), from Diverse Maniere d'adornare i cammini ed ogni altra parte degli edifizi...(Different Ways of ornamenting chimneypieces and all other parts of houses)
Carceri d´invenzione: The Big Wheel
L'incoronazione di Giove - L'Olimpo
Study for an Oval Ceiling Design: "Apollo, Strength, and Love"
Fight of two warriors
Views of Rome:  Remains of the Temple of Apollo near Hadrian's Villa
Design of a fireplace frame, left site
Leopoldina Esterhazy
Prince Henryk Lubomirski
Sheet of Studies [recto and verso]
Vasi, candelabri, cippi, sarcofagi, tripodi, lucerne, ed ornamenti antichi disegnati ed incisi dal Cav. Gio. Batt. Piranesi, Vol. II (Vases, candelabra, grave stones, sarcophagi, tripods, lamps, and ornaments designed and etched by Cavalieri Giovanni Battista Piranesi)
View from the Trekroner Battery with Copenhagen in the distance
Standing Man with His Right Hand on His Chest
Woman standing with her eyes down
Ruth Gleaning
Views of Rome:  The Colosseum
The so-called Grotto of Egeria (Veduta della fonte e delle spelonche d'Egeria fuor della Porta Capena)
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