
Self-Portrait with a Friend
The Transfiguration
Eight Seated Bishops
Hercules and Antaeus
La Madone de la maison d'Orléans
The Procession to Calvary by Raphael
Cleopatra, partly naked laying on a bed
God carried by angels, appearing to Noah and his family, after the Flood
Fortitude in profile view walking toward a fire at left and leading a harnessed lion, a landscape in the background
Madonna and child
The Eternal Father and the Virgin
Christ in Glory
A Kneeling Nude Woman with her Left Arm Raised
Virgin nursing the infant Christ on her lap
Nude Studies, 1515
Saint Jude, holding a halberd in his right hand, from the series 'Piccoli Santi' (Small Saints)
Saint Philip, book in his left hand, staff resting on his left arm, from the series 'Piccoli Santi' (Small Saints)
The Miraculous Draft of Fishes
The Sistine Madonna
David with the head of Goliath
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