
Portrait of a Lady
The Dead Caesar
Ritratto di Vincenzo Monti
Young woman laying flowers
A Tub Thumper
Henry Fuseli
Charlotte Bonaparte in peasant dress of Canino
Portrait of a Young Man
Bust of Paris
Bust of the Princess Wilhelmine Beniga Biron of Courland, duchess of Sagan
Armida Gazes on the Sleeping Rinaldo
Self-portrait as a Sculptor
Veduta interna dell'Atrio del Portico di Ottavia (Internal View of the Atrium of the Portico of Octavia), in: 'Vedute di Roma' (Views of Rome)
View of the Temple of Bacchus, now the church of San Urbano, two miles distant from Rome, beyond the Porta San Sebastiano...
Veduta del Tempio di Antonio e Faustina in Campo Vaccino
"The Maiden from Afar" From the poem by Schiller
Illustration to Milton's Paradise Lost: Adam and Eve Guarded by the Angels
Portrait of G.B. Piranesi in imitation of an antique bust, from Opere varie di Architettura, prospetive, grotteschi, antichità; inventate, ed incise da Giambattista Piranesi Architetto Veneziano (Various Works of Architecture, perspectives, grotesques, and antiquities, designed and etched by Giambattista Piranesi, Venetian Architect)
Saint James
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