
Hoofd van man met baard, in profiel naar links
Poetry personified as a winged woman
Prudence as a young woman, sitting on a lion and holding the neck of a dragon with her left hand, holding a mirror in her right hand
Three Studies and a Sketch of a Male Figure both Nude and Clothed (for “Stigmatization of Saint Francis”, Urbino, Galleria Nazionale delle Marche); Profile
Casino Aurora. Painting by Caravaggio of "Jupiter, Neptune, Pluto", detail of Jupiter with sphere
Vulcanus smeedt pijlen en vleugels voor Amor in aanwezigheid van Venus
Prima Parte de' Fiori, e Disegni di varie sorti di Ricami Moderni, page 5 (recto)
Naaktstudie van een zittende man
Cosimo il Vecchio as San Cosma
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter of Verona
Torture of Marcus Atilius Regulus
Modern Grotesque with Strapwork
Paulus predikt in Athene
Dronken Bacchus zit bij wijnstok met wijnkruik
Cœnotaphiorum (16)
Triomftocht van Romeinse keizer met soldaten en buitgemaakte wapenrustingen
Adoring angel
Sleeping Cupid
Design for a Wall Decoration: Representations of the Ascension and of the Conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch
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