
Gedrapeerd model, met een hand vooruitgestoken
Saint Jerome in the Wilderness
Christ on the Cross with the Virgin and  Saint John
Cœnotaphiorum (27)
Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Saint Francis
A Seated Man
Portrait of a young Woman
De Emmaüsgangers
Orazione di Antonio Giacomini
Christ appearing to Mary Magdalene - church choir
Angelica en Medor als geliefden
Allegory of the Medici Family with river gods in the foreground and in the clouds at right
Muze met schrijftafeltje staand in nis
Bladranken waarop links een putto zit
Portrait of a Gentleman
Baccio Bandinelli
The Virgin of the Fish
An allegory of Peace; Peace personified as a woman standing in a landscape holding the left hand of a winged genius
Studies of Hands (recto); Sketch of a Child's Head (verso)
Mary seated beneath trees with baby, flanked by Joseph at left and St. Jerome at right; St. John the Baptist seated in the foreground holding a cross; a man stooping to pick up a child at left; a lion seen from behind at right; a town in the background
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