
The Blood of the Redeemer
Satyr with Drinking Bowl, Inkstand, and Candlestick
Virgin and Child with Saints
The Suicide of Lucretia
Judith, illustration to Hendrik Jansen van Barrefelt, called Hiel, Biblesche figuren ofte afbeeldingen...
The Inferno according to Dante; in the centre Lucifer who holds damned souls and in his talons seven kings, surrounded by damned souls being tortured by devils, after a fresco in the Campo Santo, Pisa
Augsburg: Stadtmetzg, Metzgplatz 1
Studies van een ezel
Nuremberg: Former Haus zum Pfauen, Tetzelgasse 32
Double wedding ring from the collection of György Ráth
Fonte Gaia
Portrait of a Man
The Death of Saint Peter Martyr
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Doric capital
Faun met fluit speelt met kind
Bacchus Carried by Two Satyrs
Romolo e Remo allattati dalla lupa
The Virgin and Child with St. John the Baptist, St. Francis, and St. Catherine of Siena
Studie van een staande jonge vrouw, en profil naar links
Apostel Johannes de Evangelist met miskelk
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