
Het martelaarschap van de Heilige Sebastiaan
View in 3/4 of a Design for a Headpiece Decorated with a Shell and Large Plume
Madonna with the Child and the Holy Ones
Gier en een arend met slang
Landscape with the gathering of the Ashes of Phocion
Christ Appearing to the Apostles
Plate 54: The pages marching in the funeral procession of Archduke Albert of Austria; from 'Pompa Funebris ... Alberti Pii'
Portret van Henricus Nicolai
Soldiers Dying on the Edge of the Road (Les Mourants sur le bord des Routes)
One pair of Wall Lights (appliques)
The Violin Player
Wandelend boerenpaar
Beggar in a High Hat, Leaning on a Stick
Bedelaar met krukken, op de rechterzijde gezien
A Peasant Calling Out: "it's very cold"
Portret van Isabella Clara Eugenia, infante van Spanje
The Sorceress
Sibylle Persique
Saint Carlo Borromeo among the Plague Sufferers
Reynard the Fox:  The Chase of the Stag
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