
A portrait of Leonardo
The Virgin and Child with St. Elizabeth and John the Baptist, called 'The Virgin of the Palm Tree'
Allegorical Figures
Prima Parte de' Fiori, e Disegni di varie sorti di Ricami Moderni, page 12 (recto)
The Apollo Belvedere from the Vatican his left hand resting on the tree trunk around which coils a python
The Judgment of Paris; he is sitting at left with Venus, Juno and Pallas Athena, a winged victory above; in the upper section the Sun in his chariot preceeded by Castor and Pollux on horseback; at lower right two river gods and a naiad above whom Jupiter, an eagle, Ganymede, Diana and another Goddess
Twee portretten van kardinalen
Donkey (for “Rest on the Flight to Egypt”, Città del Vaticano, Pinacoteca dei Musei Vaticani)
Apostel Filippus met kruis
Election of Cosimo de’ Medici as Duke of Florence
Morte di Cleopatra
Patron Saints of Bologna
The Sacrifice of Marcus Curtius
Portrait of a Young Man
fonte gaia prudence
The Birth of Alexander
Marten's Head
Madonna and Child with Saints and Donors
Hemelvaart van Maria met apostelen
Cœnotaphiorum (18)
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