
The Lamentation
Fonte Gaia
Salt cellar or inkwell with a youth on a sea monster
Ornament Panel: Two Sphinxes and Two  Children Holding Palms
Grand Duke Cosimo I of Tuscany Surrounded by his Artists.
Battle of Naked Men
St Leonard standing holding a palm in his right hand and chains in his left, from the series 'Piccoli Santi' (Small Saints)
Heilige Apollonia met nijptang met tand
Virgin and Child
Three Nude Men flanked by the Heads of Two Older Men
Landscape with family walking together in the foreground, at left two figures with herd of goats and sheep; a mill (?) and other buildings in the background
Moisés Salvo das Águas
Judah, from The Twelve Sons of Jacob
Madonna in de wolken
The Crucifixion
The Angel Staying the Arm of Abraham
Birth of St. Nicholas of Bari
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