
Women and Children at a Fountain
Portrait of Margherita Gonzaga
Portrait of the poet Raffaele Zovenzoni (the poet laureate)
Holy Family with Saint Giovannino and Saint Elizabeth (Città del Vaticano, Casino of Pius IV)
Gruppo di quattro donne e bambino
Portret van een jongeman met baret
Tobias en de engel
Stigmatisatie van de Heilige Franciscus
San Cristoforo con Gesù Bambino
The Visitation with Saint Nicholas and Saint Anthony Abbot
Naar voren lopende man
Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence, with Two Benedictine Nuns
Marta leidt Maria Magdalena naar prekende Christus
Job bestraft door de duivel
Francesco II Gonzaga's bust
Ruins on the Palatine with the Septizonium
Vier hoofden van mannen achter elkaar
A plague scene at right, a man at left holding a torch illuminating part of the scene at left, ill people at the right
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Mary Magdalen and John the Baptist
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