
Visit to the New Mother
Reynard the Fox:  Reynard and his Companions
An apostle raising his eyes in prayer, in an oval frame, from Christ, the Virgin, and Thirteen Apostles
The Crucifixion (Le crucifiement)
Portret van Dominicus Baudius
Ruïne van Titusboog op Forum Romanum
Infantry Officer
Jan van den Enden
Bataven bij Trier verslagen door Cerialis, 69-70
Querulas praetentat pollice cordas (The Lute Player)
The Annunciation
Mother and Three Children
Christ and the woman of Samaria: an arched print
Portrait of Pietro Aretino
Munich: Cathedral of Our Dear Lady (Frauenkirche)
Winter Landscape
Beware of Luxury (“In Weelde Siet Toe”)
Hercules and Antaeus
Plate 6: a cartouche with a ram skull at top center, grapes and other fruits to either side, from 'Twelve cartouches' (Recueil de douze cartouches)
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