
Twee straatartiesten als Capitano Mala Gamba en Capitano Bellavita
H. Engelmundus van Engeland
A cartouche with a censer, a skull and crossbones and a grotesque face at top, from 'Eight Emblems for the Funeral of Francesco de Medici' (Huit emblèmes pour les funérailles du prince François de Médicis)
De troepen van Ferdinando I de' Medici bestormen een stadspoort
Wild zwijn
De engel troost Hagar
Arrival at Valencia [recto]
Vertumnus and Pomona
Portrait of Volckera Claesdr Knobbert (1554-1634)
Mezzotint print of oil painting, portrait of Isaac Newton, 1712
David Victorious over Goliath
Christ in the Garden of Olives
Adam and Eve at Work
Beggar man and woman behind a bank
The Last Communion of Saint Mary of Egypt
Merry Company
Venus and Adonis
Allegory in Honour of the Ruling Couple of Mantua
Polish Cavalryman (Un cavalier polonais)
Mercury Lulling Argus to Sleep in a Landscape
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