
Dance of Death:  The Nun
Landshut: City residence
Damselfly, Carnation, Insect, Caterpillar, Ladybird, English Walnut, and Marine Mollusk
Butterfly, Marine Mollusk, and Pear
Guide for Constructing the Letter I
St. Luke drawing the Virgin
The Creation of Eve, from The Power of Death (Allegory of Original Sin and Death)
De Heilige Hiëronymus in zijn studeervertrek
Het martelaarschap van Johannes de Evangelist
King Mulay Hasan and His Retinue at a Repast in Tunis
Death and the Bishop, from The Power of Death (Allegory of Original Sin and Death)
Saint Christopher at the Border of a River
Speckled Wood, Talewort, Garden Pea, and Lantern Plant
Dance of Death:  The Child
Erasmus of Rotterdam
De Heilige Hiëronymus in zijn studeervertrek
Terugkeer van inwoners van Jeruzalem uit ballingschap
Insect, Sweet William, Spider, Marine Mollusk, and Eye of Santa Lucia
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