
He Will Not Laugh ("Y el no se rie")
When the Almighty was yet with me
Landscape with Barn
The Church of St. Wulfran, Abbeville: The North Door of the West Front
Cloud Study
Mariano Ceballos, called "el Indio", kills the bull from horseback
Glasgow Cathedral
Brighton Beach
Fisher Girl
The Abbey Mill, Knaresborough
Indians Crossing the Upper Missouri
The Daughter of Herodias (Salome Receiving the Head of John the Baptist, Matthew 14:10-11)
Mares and Foals, facing left
Windsor Castle from the Thames
Leçon de Voltiges (Trick Riding)
Plate 12 from 'Los Caprichos': Out hunting for teeth (A caza de dientes.)
The women give courage (Las mugeres dan valor) from the series The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra)
Study of Bodies "Liberty Leading the People"
The Apparition in the Forest
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