
On the Conway River, North Wales
Brook End, Essex
The Brahmin Committing his Daughter Coraly to the Care of Blandford
Rochester, Kent: from the North
Dominique François Arago (1786–1856)
Man with a Peep Box
Storm on the Ganges, with Mrs. Hastings near the Col-gon Rocks
The Book of Job:  Pl. 2, When the Almighty was yet with me, When my Children / were about me
Study of a Tiger
The Song of Ophelia (Act IV, Scene V)
Bust Portrait of a Woman with Bonnet
Joseph Wright of Derby
Vain laments (Clamores en vano) from the series The Disasters of War (Los Desastres de la Guerra)
Bolton Priory, Yorkshire
Het paard van de stukadoor
A mountain scene, Val d'Aosta
Study of Christ Raising Lazarus
Crouching Tiger in the Desert
A Faun with Pipes
View of the Louvre & Bridge of the Thuilleries taken from Pont-Neuf
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