
Judah and Tamar
Duinlandschap met gezicht op Scheveningen
Room in an Inn with Peasants Drinking, Smoking and Playing Backgam, 1678
Saint Matthias
The Temple of Vespasian and the Roman Forum, from 'Six large views, four of Rome, and two of the Roman countryside' (Six grandes vues, dont quatre de Rome et deux de la Campagne romaine)
Bearded man, in a furred oriental cap and robe.
Man with a Large Sword Seen from Behind
Ferdinand de Neufville
Louis XIII Listens to the Provost of the Merchants of Paris on December 23, 1628
Death walking towards the right and carrying an infant upside down, another figure of Death to right in the middleground, the mass grave of Saints-Innocents in Paris in the background, from 'The five deaths' (Les cinq Morts)
Schoolmeester met drie leerlingen bij een tafel
Reynard Returns Home, Accompanied by the Ram and the Rabbit
Five Lions and a Lioness
St. Catherine of Siena
Henry van der Borcht, Painter
Two Women in Profile
St. Gregory; Sts. Romanus & Barulla; Dedication of the Basilicas of SS. Peter & Paul;
A Wagon
Vue du Château de Versailles, vu de l'avant-cour
Jacob de Graeff (1642-90). In the Uniform of an Officer
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