
Rosslyn Chapel
Plate 24 from  'Los Caprichos': Nothing could be done about It (Nohubo remedio.)
The Angel Appearing to Zacharias
West Lodge, East Bergholt
Large Lion
The Book of Job: Pl. 5, Then went Satan forth from the presence of the Lord
Nicolas Joseph Maison (1771–1840), Marshal
Wat een gouden snavel!
Battle of the Pyramids, July 21, 1798
Christ Descending into the Grave
Why hide them?
The Ponte Delle Torri, Spoleto
Mendigos que se llevan solos en Bordeaux (Beggars Who Get about on Their Own in Bordeaux)
Portrait of Wilhelmina Sophia Helwig
Job's Comforters
View of Dresden by Moonlight
A Grotto in the Gulf of Salerno, Sunset
Portico in Ruins
Font in Binham Church, Norfolk
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