
Zes acteursportretten
Otsu (Lake Biva)
The Kawaguchi Ferry and Zenkoji Temple
The Festival of the Cock Procession across the Asakusa Rice Fields (Asakusa tanbo Torinomachi mode)
Dansende acteur
Koto from the series The Six Arts in Fashionable Guise
Zes acteursportretten
Woodblock print
Takeda Kounsai's mistress Tokiko in the snow, from the series Personalities of Recent Times
Butterflies and dragonfly near poppies
Hoofdstuk 31
Uchoren no zu|Great Military Drill
Kyoka Tōkaidō, station 53
Takeda Katsuchiyo killing an old badger in the moonlight, from the series New Forms of Thirty-six Ghosts
Sakana zukushi Koi
Bewonderen van bloemstukken
Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō, station 35
Wereld der Kunsten - 1
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