
Titelblad voor prentserie 'Diverse gebochelden'/'Varie figure gobbi di Jacopo Callot'
Adoration of the Shepherds
War against Spain for the rights of the Queen
The Four Elements:  Aer
Gepersonifieerde Eeuwigheid
Izebel door de honden verscheurd
Vrouw met plooikraag, hoofdkapje en haarpin
Trees before a Village
Elia en de engel
Portret van de Jezuïet Carolus Scribani
The daughters of Aglaura (Mercury and Herse)
Illustration to Jean Desmarets' "L'Ariane"
Esther before Ahasuerus
Ferdinand de Neufville
The Peasant Settling His Debt
Twee schepen: een waterschip en een waterschuit
Earth, represented by Cybele seated at the base of a tree with fruits of the earth spread before her, a cupid with a torch approaches from the right, a stag and hound look toward Cybele from the left, from "The Elements"
Peace Negotiations between Claudius Civilis and Cerealis on the Demolished Bridge. Fame (Fama) Floats in the Sky above
Le Chancelier Pierre Séguier
A procession of horsemen and cannons in the middle ground walking to the left, a cannon and two men to left, from 'Peace and War' (Divers desseins tant pour la paix que pour la guerre)
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