
Cloud Study
Se muer[en] (They are dying)
The Creation, from Illustrations of the Book of Job
Plate 28 from 'Los Caprichos': Hush (Chiton.)
A Surinam Planter in his Morning Dress
Théodore Pavie (1811–1896), Orientalist, friend of the artist
Summer Evening
Goetz Von Berlichingen Before The Imperial Magistrate
Moenippus  (Menipo Filosofo)
The Rainbow: Osterspai and Filsen
Douvres Church, Normandy
The King of Rome in the form of sleeping Cupid
Plate 4 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'The women give courage. (Las mugeres dan valor'.)
Church of St. Nicholas, at Caen
A Summerland
The Rabble Hamstring the Bull with Lances, Sickles, Banderillas and Other Arms (Desjarrete de la Canalla con Lanzas, Medias-lunas, Banderillas y Otras Armas)
Moonlit Scene with Castle Ruins
The Death of Abradatas
Study for "Reading the Will"
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