
Picture of a Parlor in a Foreign Merchantile Firm in Yokohama
Carp Ascending a Waterfall
Tōto saiji ki
Guards Subdue the Prisoner Yoshizō after His Attempted Jailbreak
Takeda Katsuchiyomaru
Preparatory Drawings for Illustrations of Melodramas
Demons of illness and poverty stalking the lucky gods
Yakusha awase kagami
Toto: Flower-viewing at Gotenyama, 2 (part of triptych)
Top-spinning Tricks in the Pricincts of the Sensi-ji Temple
東海道五十三次之内 袋井 出茶屋の図|Fukuroi; De Chaya
名所江戸百景  市中繁栄七夕祭|The Tanabata Festival, from the series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo
The Okitsu River, Okitsu, from the series the Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido (Hoeido edition)
東海道五十三次之内 石薬師 石薬師寺|Ishiyakushi, Ishiyakushi Ji
Man in Boat
Yoshida, Tennō Festival on the Fifteenth Day of the Sixth Month
四季の花|Poetry, from the illustrated book Flowers of the Four Seasons
Kawaguchi, Making Pans and Pots
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