
Inigo Jones
The Virgin Crowned by Christ Child with Roses
The Conversion of Saint Paul
Landschap met een boomstronk
Pastýř se psem, kozlem, kozou a dvěma ovcemi
Element Air Eastside
Drunken Silenus holding a cup aloft into which a Satyr pours wine
Title Page for "The Life of the Virgin in Emblems"
Interior flamengo
Portrait of Florentius Schuyl (1619-1669)
Ships off the Coast
The Figurine Series: Figurina
Cosimo de Medici, Prince of Tuscany, and His Wife, Marguerite Louise d'Orleans
Kitchen with Hare
Plate 71: Procris Killed by Cephalus's Javelin (Procridem inscius interficit Cephalus), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Christus aan de geselpaal
Ste. Helene, Octauie, Faustine, and Messalline, from 'The game of queens' (Le jeu des Reines renommées)
The Cult of Venus
The Raising of Lazarus
Cottages and a Hay Barn on the Diemerdijk with a Flock of Sheep
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