
Plate 51 from 'Los Caprichos': They spruce themselves up (Se repulen.)
A Cornfield
Plate 61 from 'Los Caprichos': They have flown (Volaverunt.)
A Font in Walsoken Church, Norfolk
Nymphes et Faunes (Nymphs and Fauns)
Hercules and the Erymanthian Boar
Портрет неизвестного в черном сюртуке
The Norman Gate and Deputy Governor's House
The blind guitarist (El ciego de la guitarra)
The 'Inventio' Mosaic (Finding the Body of St. Mark)
At Hailsham, Sussex: a Storm Approaching
Le descañona. (She fleeces him.)
Grotto by the Seaside in the Kingdom of Naples with Banditti, Sunset
The Circle of the Traitors: Dante's Foot Strriking Bocca degli Abbate, from Dante's Inferno, Canto XXXII Illustration to Dante's The Divine Comedy
Yarmouth, Norfolk
Arabs of Oran
Gibside from the North
Passage du Mont St. Bernard (Napoleon's Army Crossing the St. Bernard Pass)
Castle Acre Priory, Norfolk, West Front
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