
Scene on the French Coast (Liber Studiorum, part I, plate 4)
Three lion studies
Procesión sorprendida por la lluvia (Tít. ant.: Salida de una procesión en día de lluvia de la iglesia Santa Cruz de Madrid)
The Resounding Sea
The Interior of Sant' Ambrogio, Milan
Plate 66  from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'Strange devotion!' (Extraña devocion!)
A Rider
The Dwarf, Sebastián de Morra, at the Court of Felipe IV
Landscape with Fishermen
A View on Hampstead Heath, Early Morning
Un Corps de Garde
Goede reis
War (The Accusers of Theft, Adultery, Murder)
Study of Hollyhocks
Flüelen, from the Lake of Lucerne
Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau
Faith, Hope, and Charity
Weathered Tree Trunks in a Park (recto), c. 1834
The English Farrier
Y son fieras (And They Are Like Wild Beasts)
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