
Architectural Fantasy of Antique Ruins with a Watermill
Maria Maddalena
The Farm-yard with the Cock
East Bergholt Church, Looking Out the South Archway of the Ruined Tower
Boy and Rabbit
Portrait of Luis María de Borbón y Vallabriga (Retrato de Luis Maria de Borbon y Vallabriga)
A Cedar on a Rise with a Herd of Deer Grouped Beneath its Shade
The School Scene (La Letra con Sangre Entra)
Near Grindelwald
The Poems of Thomas Gray, Design 65, "The Bard."
Portrait of a woman (Italian)
Procession of Boats on the River Cam below Clare College, Cambridge
A Boat passing a Lock
Salisbury Cathedral
St. Stephan's Cathedral, Vienna
The Printer Gaulon
The Lord Answering Job out of the Whirlwind
South Transept, Melrose Abbey
[Dessin-Fumée - Fantaisie]
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