
Woman and Child on a River Bank
Figures inside a prison (recto), a monstrous animal (verso)
Niemand heeft ons gezien
A Mill
The Fall of the Accuser
Plate 36 from 'Los Caprichos: A bad night (Mala noche.)
Plate D from the 'Disparates': Fools-'or Little Bulls' - folly
Loch Lomond
Le Tasse dans la prison
The Russian Bride's Attire
Witches' Sabbath
The Archangel Raphael with Adam and Eve (Illustration to Milton's "Paradise Lost")
He Leaves Them in Good Shape ("Buenos los deja")
Plate 11 from the 'Tauromaquia':The Cid campeador spearing another bull.
Study for Nelson Sealing the Copenhagen Letter
View of Rouen from St. Catherine’s Hill
Fish Market, Antwerp
Plate 19 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'There isn't time now.' (Ya no hay tiempo.)
Bord de Plage (Fishing-boats on a beach, storm clouds in the distance)
The Creation
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