
Lion au serpent, bronze conservé au musée du Louvre
Mer de Glace 1 (2)
The Source of the Arvaron in the Valley of Chamouni, Savoy (Liber Studiorum, part XII, plate 60)
Mount Kosciusko, seen from the Victorian border (Mount Hope Ranges)
Procris and Cephalus (Liber Studiorum, part VIII, plate 41)
Socrates, a Visionary Head
Plate 10 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'Nor [do these] either.' (Tampoco.)
Plate 9 from 'Los Caprichos': Tantalus (Tantalo.)
A Blacksmith (Un Forgeron)
The Farm-Yard with the Cock (Liber Studiorum, part IV, plate 17)
Dedham Vale from Langham
Portrait of John Naylor
A caza de dientes (Out Hunting for Teeth)
The Death of Hyacinthus
The Early Plowman
Portrait of Isabel II
Scene from the Villa Malta
Flying Kites
Entrée de l'eglise du St. Sépulcre.
A Favourite Custom
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