
Munich: Munich Residenz
The Hamlet on the Mountain Side
David, Abraham et les prophètes, projet pour la coupole de La Chiesa Nuova (Rome)
Plate 149: Aesculapius as a Serpent, Among the Romans (AEsculapius in anguem conversus Roman advehitur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
The finding of Moses who is rescued from the Nile by the maidservants of Pharaoh's daughter
Apostel Tomas
Numidie, from 'Game of Geography' (Jeu de la Géographie)
Road at the Edge of the Forest
Vrouw met plooikraag en gevlochten knot
Plate 10: two heads of old soldiers wearing helmets, both facing left and looking downwards, from 'The principles of design' (I principii del disegno)
Prayer Before the Meal
Groom with a Camel
Scene from Greek history: The deaf-mute son of King Croesus prevents the Persians from killing his father
A Man Wearing a Yellow Coat
Plate 17: Ocyrhoe Changed into a Horse (Ocyroe vaticinata in equam), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
H. Franciscus lezend in een grot
Bathseba leest de brief van David
De ark van Noach
Jupiter en Juno discussiëren over de vraag bij welke van de seksen de lust in liefde groter is
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