
Las rinde el Sueño. (Sleep overcomes them.)
Hamlet and Horatio in the Graveyard
Maria Linley
"O Spartan dog": plate 15 from Othello (Act 5, Scene 2)
Ruin of St. Botolph's Priory, Colchester
Plate 56 from 'Los Caprichos':To rise and to fall (Subir y bajar.)
The Shepherd's Dream, 1786
Le Suicide
The Cid Campeador Spearing Another Bull (El Cid Campeador Lanceando Otro Toro)
Bridge in the Middle Distance
Plate 50 from 'Los Caprichos': The Chinchillas (Los Chinchillas.)
The Execution of Breaking on the Rack
Lammergeier and Serpent
Interior of a Port
Horse Attacked by a Lion (Episode C)
Barden Tower, Yorkshire
Le Général Bonaparte
Spanish Scene (Scène espagnole)
Plate 22 from 'Los Caprichos': Poor little girls! (Probrecitas!)
Folio 41, Landscape with the city walls of Tangier
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