
Portrait of the Poet Moratín
A Setter at the Edge of a Wood
Plate 33 from 'Los Caprichos':To the Count Palatine (Al Conde Palatino.)
May-Day in London
Cart Loaded with Wounded Soldiers
Collision of Moorish Horsemen
The Wounded Goetz von Berlichingen Takes Refuge in a Gypsy Camp
The Roman Campagna with an Ancient Fountain
A Wreck, with Fishing Boats
Vesuvius in Eruption
The Quarters behind Alresford Hall
Aesacus and Hesperie
The Billiard Players
Front of the New Mills
La Mancha
Mrs. William Wilberforce and Child
The Old Harbour, Naples
Shipwreck on the Coast of Norway
Portrait of A.S.Pushkin
Rochester Castle from the River
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