
Inverary Castle and Town
Morning amongst the Coniston Fells, Cumberland
Lachende vrouw
Where There's a Will There's a Way [A Way of Flying] (Donde Hay Ganas Hay Maña [Modo de Volar])
Weymouth Bay
Hero and Leander
Lo que puede un Sastre! (What a tailor can do!)
The Old Bridge in Devon
No se convienen (They Do Not Agree)
The Campagna
Death and the Woodcutter, 2nd plate (Le mort et le bucheron)
Neither more nor less
Death and the Philosopher (La mort et le philosophe)
Schipbreuk bij rotsachtige kust
Hadleigh Castle
Arme meisjes!
Memory of a Wooded Island in the Baltic Sea(Oak trees by the Sea)
Ruin Eldena with cottage in the moonlight
The Ninth Wave
Tracking the Rapids
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