
Italian Landscape
Plate 24 from 'The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra):' They can still be of use.' (Aun podrán servir.)
The Circle of the Thieves; Buoso Donati Attacked by the Serpent
Plate 1 from 'The Tauromaquia': The way in which the ancient Spaniards hunted bulls on horseback in the open country
Ville de Thun, Switzerland (Liber Studiorum, part XII, plate 59)
Plate 7 from "The Disasters of War' (Los Desastres de la Guerra): 'What courage!' (Que valor!)
Study for "The Sultan of Morocco and His Entourage"
Fallow Deer: Stag, Doe and Fawn in a clearing
Centaur with Branches
Huy, Belgium
Hamlet: Qu’est ce donc?
Travelers on the Sands near Redcar
Six Antique Medals (Six Medailles Antiques)
Lamentation at the Foot of the Cross
The Circle of the Thieves; Agnolo Brunelleschi Attacked by a Six-Footed Serpent
High Street, Edinburgh
Sabrina's Silvery Flood, from Thornton's Pastorals of Virgil
Satan Before the Throne of God
Goetz von Berlichingen Writing His Memoirs
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