
King Roderick
Standing Lion (Lionne debout)
Ville de Thun, Switzerland (Liber Studiorum, part XII, plate 59)
Woodland Landscape near Norwich
Pilgrim in a Rocky Valley
Portrait of Emilia Chopin
Antoine-Vincent Arnault (1766-1834)
Study of an Ash Tree
They do not agree (No se convienen)
Weapon studies, compositional study of castle scene
Saint Mary Magdalene at the Foot of the Cross
Landscape at Champrosay
Return of the Prodigal Son
Stag, Doe and Two Fawns
Well-Know Folly
It's Raining Elves ("Llueven duendes")
The Book of Job:  Pl. 18, And my Servant Job shall pray for you
Plate 32 from the 'Tauromaquia':Two teams of picadors thrown one after the other by a single bull.
East Bergholt Church
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