
Two Roman Units Defeated
Philip of Spain Before Margaret of Austria
Hercules and the Centaurs
Plate 115: The Rape of Caenis (Caenis in virginitatis amißae solatium in virum fortiß.m a Neptuno transformatur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 148: Aesculapius Speaking to the Romans (Epidauro a Romanis AEsculapius ad urbis luem discutiendam sollicitatur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
God Creating the Birds and the Fish
Medea Restoring Aeson's Youth (Aesoni decerptio iuventam restituit Medea), from The Metamorphoses of Ovid (Metamorphosean Sive Transformationum), plate 64
Plate 149: Aesculapius as a Serpent, Among the Romans (AEsculapius in anguem conversus Roman advehitur), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 17: Ocyrhoe Changed into a Horse (Ocyroe vaticinata in equam), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Cadmus's Men Killed by the Serpent
Aesculapius als een draak tussen de Romeinen
Triumph of a Roman Emperor (left side)
Doña Lambra Orders a Villager to Strike Gonzalo Gomez with a Cucumber Drenched in Blood
Nessus attempting to take Dejanira from Hercules: Nessus restrains Dejanira on his back while striding to the right, Hercules draws his arrow at left, from the series 'The Labors of Hercules'
The Insane Athamas Killing Learchus, While Ino and Melicertor Jump into the Sea
Plate 129: Acis Killed by Polyphemus (Acidem Scolpulo orbruit Polyphemus), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Plate 20: Civilis Having his Hair Cut, from The War of the Romans Against the Batavians (Romanorvm et Batavorvm societas)
Almazor Orders His Troops to Keep the Christians from Entering His Territory
Civilis Treating with a Roman Commander
Plate 7: Alexander Attacking Tyre from the Sea, from The Deeds of Alexander the Great
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