
Orestes Pursued by the Furies
Didrik Slagheck. (Portrettstudie til "Christian II undertegner dødsdommen over Torben Oxe")
La Musique
Study of an Arm
A Sketch of a Seated Woman
L’assassinat du duc de Guise au château de Blois en 1588
Pont-Aven Harbour
Twee Perzen
Sketchbook, page 90: Study of Horses, Profiles
Photograph of a painting of a Malabar Lady
Pencil sketch of a turbaned man
A Study of a Person with a Headdress
Sheet of Studies, Including for Reineke Fuchs; verso: Studies of Soldiers and of a Battle in a Wood
Apollon recevant la lyre
Seated Arab with Pipe
Jeanne Pasteur, née Boutroux
Henri Regnault
Garde de la Casbah à Tetuan
Estudo de pé
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