
Plate 56 from 'Los Caprichos':To rise and to fall (Subir y bajar.)
The Cid Campeador Spearing Another Bull (El Cid Campeador Lanceando Otro Toro)
Plate 50 from 'Los Caprichos': The Chinchillas (Los Chinchillas.)
Plate 22 from 'Los Caprichos': Poor little girls! (Probrecitas!)
An old man delousing a boy in an interior, accompanied by three figures; folio 40 from the Images of Spain Album 'F'
To Go amongst the Branches, i.e. To Talk through One’s Hat [Ridiculous Folly] (Andarse por las Ramas [Disparate Ridiculo])
The Knife-Grinder ("El Afilador")
Letter to Martín Zapater
Three men digging; folio 51 from the Images of Spain Album 'F'
Plate 26 from ' Los Caprichos':They've already got a seat (Ya tienen asiento.)
'You'll See Later'; a man drinking, a woman trying to stop him; folio 24 from the Black Border Album 'E'
Mala noche. (A bad night.)
Until death
Devota profesion. (Devout profession.)
A man with a raised whip breaking up a fight between two figures; folio 82 from the Images of Spain Album 'F'
Bullfight in a Divided Ring
Jij zult niet ontsnappen
Ze zeggen ja en geven hun hand aan de eerste de beste
Plate 41 from 'Los Caprichos':  Neither more nor less (Ni mas ni menos.)
'Humility versus Pride' a young man imploring an older man with other figures in front of them; folio 75 (recto) from the Madrid Album 'B'
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