
Plate 141: The Immortalization of Aeneas (AEneas Humitio flumine ablutus in Indigitem), from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses'
Head of an old man facing left, from the series of 'Large Oriental Heads'
Le chancelier Louis Boucherat
Jan Uytenbogaert
Solimano, Act II
Drie apen en een wolf
Portrait of Charles of Austria, Infante of Spain, in profile to the right
The Betrayal of Christ from the Passion of Christ
Christ Crucified
Bust of an Old Man with a Fur Collar
Faust in His Study, Watching a Magic Disc
The Return of the Prodigal Son
Landschap met een wagen die een stenen brug nadert
Landscape with Shepherds
The Concert
Madonna con Bambino e San Giovannino
Group of Trees and Resting Sheperd
Boten in de storm op zee
Temple courtyard with figures, after David Teniers the Elder (?)
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